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tv   The Rachel Maddow Show  MSNBC  December 6, 2010 9:00pm-10:00pm EST

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it's going to be sidelined as it was in the last election. it's a functionary job. it's the kind of thing she will fill with her own people from alaska for all we know. >> richard wolff, thanks. i'm sam seder in for keith olbermann tonight. thanks for joining us. have a good night. good evening. i'm not here. existentially speaking, i am here, but i am tape. i'm off tonight there is a lot going on. so i'm really happy to say that my friend ed schultz is able to be here for a special live edition of "the ed show." >> thanks, rachel. we look forward to having you back tomorrow night. welcome to a special edition of "the ed show" tonight. these stories are hitting my hot buttons at this hour tonight. well, the president's cut a deal on tax cuts, and it's a dandy. folks, i'm telling you, there is
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going to be hell to play with progressives on this one. in my opinion, president obama, he has given up too much. capitulation, sold out to the republicans. and this deal is going to hurt millions of americans. well, every kitchen table in america is affected by this deal. but what about the long-term? we'll talk about it. my commentary on that, plus exclusive reaction from congress and alan graze, luis gutierrez, and the pccc is steaming mad tonight, and big labor is going to have something to say in this hour. plus, rush limbaugh's racist tirades need to be reviewed by the fcc. while the writings look the other way, al sharpton refuses to turn a blind eye. he'll outline his crusade for a crackdown later on in this sho and newt gingrich has taken psycho talk to a whole new level. this presidential hopeful not only thinks rich people should get to decide how much taxes they pay, but he wants to totally abolish all unemployment
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benefits from suffering americans. we're going to throw him in the zone tonight. you won't want to miss it. but this of course is the story that has me firedç up tonight. president obama has laid out the framework, the framework for a compromise to extend all the bush tax cuts for the next two years. in exchange, a big deal here, for a 13-month extension of unemployment benefits. where is the deal? liberals are furious, and they should be, including me. look, this one is going to -- there is one senator out there that is threatening to filibuster this whole thing. i hope he does. and the president said that he had to make this deal to stop the collateral damage. >> i know there are some people in my own party and in the other party who would rather prolong this battle, even if we can't reach a compromise. but i'm not willing to let working families across this country become collateral damage for political warfare here in washington. and i'm not willing to let our economy slip backwards, just as
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we're pulling ourselves out of this devastating recession. >> the president went on to say that he preferred compromise to another long political fight. >> so as sympathetic as i am to those who prefer a fight over compromise, as much as the political wisdom may dictate over fighting over solving problems, it would be the wrong thing to do. the american people didn't send us here to wage symbolic battles or win symbolic victories. they would much rather have the comfort of knowing that when they open their first paycheck on january of 2011, it won't be smaller than it was before, all because washington decided they prefer to have a fight and failed to act. >> and president obama truly believes this compromise was the right thing to do. >> as for now, i believe this bipartisan plan is the right thing to do. it's the right thing to do for jobs. its right thing to do for the middle class.
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it is the right thing to do for business. and it's the right thing to do for our economy. it offers us an opportunity that we need to seize. it's not perfect. this compromise is an essential step on the road to recovery. >> essential step on the road to recovery? essential? we have to do this?ç the republicans have backed president obama i think right into the corner again. if he compromises with the very people who have been on a mission to destroy his agenda, destroy his presidency, this country, in my opinion, will never get out of the financial ditch that we're in. i thought that's what the campaign was all about, fiscal responsibility. the democrats were going to be the party to do the right thing for america in future generations. bottom line, folks here, here is what this deal means. the rich, they're just going to get a heck of a lot richer. the poor? they're going to be working harder and longer, and they're going to stay poor. the same millionaires and
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billionaires who represent the fat bubbles at the bottom of this chart, they're only going to get richer. they're only going to get fatter. this deal will let millionaires keep $103,000 that could solve our debt crisis. and you know what? they would still be millionaires. or maybe they could help feed a family, you know. independent senator bernie sanders hit the roof when he heard the details. sanders threatened to fill buster the compromise when i talked to him during today's 6:00 p.m. edition of "the ed show." >> the bush economic philosophy of tax breaks, millionaires and billionaires is absolutely wrong public policy, absolutely wrong politically. and i got to tell you. i will do whatever i can to see that 60 votes are not acquired to pass this piece of legislation. >> will you filibuster this? >> i will do whatever i can on this. this is a very, very bad agreement. >> sanders and other like-minded progressives are the only thing standing in the way of this deal. last night, sunday night
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watching tv, channel surfing, there it was. one of my favorites, "private ryan," followed by "pearl harbor." i thought about the greatest generation, storming omaha beach, under intense fire. and i turned to my wife and i said wendy, do you thigh think these guys were worried a tax cut back home? and then fdr describing the attack on pearl harbor and telling the country we've got to go to war. was the congress backç then thinking about tax cuts for the rich, or were they thinking about saving the country and winning the war? i mean for the last ten years, the republicans have been telling us, you know, we're at war. in fact, that was one of bush's lines. we're in a state of war here, we're at war. it's all about war. we got to take it serious. well, here we are in a financial crisis, a crisis. and it just makes me wonder, watching those two films that added a lot to america's
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culture, have we lost the sense of sacrifice in this country? can we not serve it up? you don't have to hit the beach at omaha. you weren't around during pearl harbor. a lot of us weren't. but there it is, documented. what that generation went through. and back then, we were threatened. you know what? we're threatened right now with a financial crisis. wasn't it mr. bernanke on "60 minutes" last night that was saying something about gosh, we were so close to a world financial collapse, and they just had to do something about it. okay. so the american taxpayers fork it out. and we've heard so much conversation about well, we just can't put this on the backs of the next generation. well, then why the hell aren't we going to do something about it? we just can't bite the bullet. we're afraid to ask americans to serve up a little bit more. we have bought into this philosophy. you know, if we raise taxes, our economy is going to go in the toilet. i believe mr. bernanke also said in that interview that you know what? we're going to have unemployment
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for another four or five years. it's going to be somewhat of a new normal. so i ask the question tonight. what was the congress like back in 1941. they were faced with a crisis. did they hold unemployed people hostage for tax cuts back then? or did they show real patriotism? and i don't think our lawmakers are acting as true patriots by caving in to the right wing, saying that we have got to have tax cuts for top 2%, or we just can't survive as a country. do you feel good about depending on the chinese to financially survive as a nation? i don't. tax me more. let's show some guts the way thuyç did when they hit omaha beach. let's show some guts when the congress did the right thing. they were worried about freedom back then. aren't we concerned about financial freedom right now, or are we a generation that is so selfish, we just can't suck it up. we can't do it. we can't. we love the money too much.
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now members of the modern right-wing congress, they're willing to just lay down everything to protect millionaires and billionaires. but they're kind of a new kind of an american, i guess. and they'll just kick the americans who are vulnerable right in the teeth. republicans love to claim well this is just a wrong time to let the tax cuts expire. >> we're not raising taxes on anybody in the middle -- >> republicans and i don't want tax increases on anybody. it's bad any time, especially if you're in the middle of a recession. >> so let me be clear. raising taxes on families and small businesses during a recession is a recipe for disaster. for both our economy and for our deficit. period. end of story. >> we have a bipartisan majority in support of the position that says we ought not be raising taxes on anybody, especially in a recession. >> i don't know what poll he is quoting. that's not where the american people are. these same republicans have repeatedly allowed unemployment
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benefits to expire during the biggest economic downturn since the great depression. and with this deal, republicans have backed the democrats into a corner of capitulation, dangling that carrot of unemployment right mouth out in front of them. hey, you really want it? the president took it, hook, line, and sinker, unfortunately. he didn't stand and fight. tonight the country could see the anguish in the president's face. i could. i don't believe this is the deal president obama wanted, but the hostage-taking of the long-term unemployed proved to be the controlling issue in all of this. the deal means that we'll be having the same political fight right back here in the middle of the 2012 elections, and liberals tonight are concerned how do we know president obama won't cave in two years and cut the same damn deal. face it. republicans won big tonight, and i think america lost. this is no victory. get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think tonight's text survey question is do you think president obama did the right thing by
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compromising with republicans on tax cuts? text a for yes, text b for no to 622639. we'll bring you the results later on in the show. joining me now is house progress whoif takes no prisoners. congressman alan grayson. good to have you with us tonight. the congress says this deal isn't perfect, but it's essential. do you agree with that? >> well, the president after two years in office is casting for some way to do with the stubbornness and callousness of the republicans in washington and he hasn't found it yet. it is interesting after two years they finally came to the table on something. this is literally the first time in two years i can remember the republican party saying if you agree to this, we will agree to that. up until now it's just been no, no, no, no, no, no. it's an interesting development, but in fact what the republicans have wanted from the beginning of this negotiation was an extension for two years of all the tax cuts. and in the end, what they got at the end of this negotiation was an extension for two years of all the tax cuts.
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in other words, the president didn't really make a lot of progress in negotiating with them. and that's unfortunate. he is the head of our side. he is the said of the democratic party. he is our highest elected official. >> is it capitulation? is it capitulation in your opinion? >> well, i look at it a little differently. what is happen is they played a game of chicken with him. he was driving right at him. they were driving right at him. and in the end he was the one who turned the wheel. >> was this unamerican in your opinion to hold the unemployed in this country hostage in these negotiations? >> of course. the republican party sent the president a ransom note saying if you ever want to see any benefits for the unemployed again, you're going to have to give into us on tax cuts for rich. and this two year -- the price tag for the two-year agreement is another $70 billion a year out the window to give money to people who have all the money in america at this point. i mean the top 1% of america,
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the top 1% has over half of the wealth of the country at this point, and they're going to have much more. the poor are getting poorer. what the president did faced with this ransom note is he basically gave them what they were asking for, and that is unfortunate, not just for us, but for all america. >> they got a lot. >> it doesn't matter so much what happens to us, the democratic party. it matters that we're giving another $140 billion to the rich so that they can buy more merlot. >> congressman, good to have you with us tonight. you're spot on. you have been all along. appreciate you being with us tonight. >> one more thing. i have to say this. the republicans have become unbelievably callous, the fact that they were willing to see millions of americans live in their cars when they stop receiving unemployment benefits points out again and again that they're the mean party. they're just a mean party. >> that's the thing that gets me. the president today is saying this is going to hurt two million more people. there is 4.5 million people out there already 99ers there is
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nothing on the table for them. congressman, we've got to go. i appreciate your time tonight. adam green, the co-chair of the progressive campaign change committee. adam, your analysis. what is the future? >> ed, tonight across the nation there was a very regretful but collective sigh of how dare he as the president spoke. there is nothing wrong with a reasonable compromise if you have truly tried your best. but millions of people trusted this man when he said that he would fight for his core campaign promise to end the mortgaging of our nation's future by giving tax cuts to the rich. >> he says he was not willing to let the economy slip backwards. that's not good enough? >> well, again, he didn't even try. so in his statement tonight, he actually said the progressives, those who are asking him to fight are asking him to play games with people's lives. those are harsh words. has he said anything as remotely
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harsh as that toward republicans in the last month since the election? i haven't heard a thing. has he gone to maine? has he gone to massachusetts? two states he won by double-digits to rally the republican senators who represent those states to support the ending of tax cuts for the çrich. no. he didn't even try. >> so the capitulation in your opinion. and that is going to be politically hurtful. i think for a long time. >> it's not just capitulation. it's asking his base to compromise when he wasn't willing to fight. and it's a tragic day for those of white house trusted him to fight. >> adam green, good to have you with us tonight. thank you so much. >> thank you. coming up he just got caught on tape chastising a hard-working edge indicateser. finely, reverend al sharpton wants the fcc to hold rush limbaugh accountable. you're watching a special edition of "the ed show" on msnbc. we're right back.
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coming up, one of the reasons why i'm so hot under the collar about the president's deal on tax cuts is to me this means the republicans won. working with the righties on tax cuts is like negotiating with terrorists. progressive congressman luis gutierrez is a tell it lucky it is guy. he'll join us, coming up in a moment. stay with us. i'm off to the post office... ok. uh, a little help... oh! you know shipping is a lot easier with priority mail flat rate boxes.
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welcome back to "the ed show."ç thanks for watching. i'm in for rachel. she'll be back tomorrow night. president obama's compromise is a huge wins for republicans in
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my opinion. senate leader mitch mcconnell released this statement. i appreciate the efforts of the president and the vice president in working with the republicans on a bipartisan plan to prevent a tax hike on any american. the tan man, house minority leader john boehner doesn't seem to think this deal is chicken crap. quote, it's encouraging that the white house is now willing to stop all of the job-killing tax hikes scheduled for january 1st. we look forward to discussing this proposal with house republican members and the american people. senator john mccain tweeted his approval immediately, writing i applaud the framework agreement just announced by the president. now we need to make it happen. we shouldn't raise taxes during a recession. i disagree. the republicans are jumping up all over the place on this. they just can't get enough of it. they won. and they should be. the white house flat-out caved in in my opinion. for more let's go to congressman luis gutierrez of illinois. thanks for being with us tonight. >> thank you, ed.
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>> is there anything in your opinion stopping this deal? >> no. given where the democrats are going to be, those that are leaving, the blue dogs and how angry they were last week when those of us in the house thought it was important that we take a position, a very clear position, 250,000 and more you weren't going to get a break, and those 250,000 we were going to stand with you, and they were angry about that. ed, i think, you know, somebody made a deal. and reached an agreement here. and i have a funny feeling that doesn't mean there aren't those of us that aren't going to stand up and fight. but i think we better get ready for the reality, given the last two years of moderate democrats. >> in the long-term, is this deal good for america? i mean we're going right into the financial ditch with the republicans. >> listen, i listen to the introduction you gave, ed. and i think we should take that
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introduction you gave about world war ii, about korea, and bring it into the present the following way. we im go into war in afghanistan. we didn't pay for it. we did go into war in iraq. i voted against it. we didn't pay for it. >> congressman, that's my point. >> we the prescription drug program, we didn't pay for it. and i'm just trying to say -- >> the congress in 1949 wasn't worried about their wallet. they were worried about the condition of the country. the condition of the country is what they were worried about. >> so we have two wars. we have a prescription drug program, and then on top, remember the prescription drug program under the bush administration. not paid for. and then on top of it, a trillion dollars -- so at a time when our young men and women are on the front line giving it all for the safety of our nation, we're giving tax breaks to the wealthiest people in the nation. >> sure we are. >> instead of taking care of ourselves at home. and i think it's unconscionable. and in the end, i think the
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president at some time is just going to have to draw a line and say no further. i won't move. >> i don't think he can. is that going to happen in 2012? is that going to happen in 2012? >> i don't know. let me tell you something that sooner or later either that or they're going to eat him alive. i suggest they will have him for breakfast, lunch and dinner. do you remember a month ago, boehner was saying okay, we'll compromise on 250,000. boehner was saying it was good. now all of the sudden there is all this vulgarity in terms of treating what are democratic proposals. we got to remind people, we were winning on this issue, and moreover, two-thirds of the american public was with us. if we can't win when the public is with us, imagine when we have to do things that -- >> congressman, thanks for speaking tonight. >> things that aren't favorable. thank you so much, ed. >> the generational ramifications of the argument don't seem to matter.
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it's really sad. >> bad. >> coming up, newt gingrich and psycho talk ahead of a 2012 run. he wants to kick the unemployed while they're down and out, let the rich decide what taxes they'll pay. we're going to chase his fox fanny right into the hen house in the zone, next. stay with us. [ male announcer ] you know her. oh, my gosh. [ male announcer ] we know diamonds. oh, my gosh. [ male announcer ] together we'll make her holiday. that's why only zales is the diamond store. where you'll pay no interest if paid in full by january 2012.
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♪ ♪ [ bob ] i didn't know you could play. i didn't either. ♪ and in psycho talk tonight, second edition, newt gingrich may have 2012 presidential am
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bigotses. but if he wants the support of anyone but the top 2%, he better rethink some of this stuff. listen to his proposal for what he wants to do about extending tax cuts. >> what republicans ought to do is say to people who create jobs how many years does the tax code have to be extended for you to make an investment decision. there is a number, but i would have the business leadership of the country describe the number. >> what? the newtster wants ceos to decide when their own tax cuts expire? he wants to give more power to the guys whose recklessness caused this recession? meanwhile, listen to what he says about unemployment insurance. >> i would agree to a short-term extension on employment. but i have proposed since we spent $134 billion last year on unemployment that we change the entire program to into a worker training program, and not give anybody money for doing nothing. >> so newt wants to pull the rug out from under millions of people who are unemployed by no
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fault of their own, but he is more than happy to put ceos in charge of deciding how much taxes they actually pay. this guy has no idea what he is talking about. for every dollar in unemployment benefits the economy grows by $1.61. making all of the bush tax cuts permanent only gets the economy 32 cents per dollar. gingrich saying he wants to put business leaders in charge of their own tax cuts. gosh, maybe some insurance executives? while getting rid of unemployment insurance is financially irresponsible. psycho talk. coming up, senator bernie sanders called it an absolute disaster. liberals across the country, they're going nuts because the president caved on tax cuts for the top 2%. reaction from the united steelworkers international president leo gerard and joan walsh of that's coming up tonight in the battleground story. the maverick ought to be ashamed of himself.
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he just turned his back on a 9/11 first responder. and we're not going to let him get away with it. rapid-fire response son that, coming up. plus, i'm calling out the bully across the governor. new jersey governor chris christy. and gates just spoke out on a "don't ask, don't tell" repeal. you're watching "the ed show" on msnbc. "rachel maddow," she'll be back here tomorrow night. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] here's hoping you find something special in your driveway this holiday. ♪ [ santa ] ho ho ho! [ male announcer ] get an exceptional offer on the mercedes-benz you've always wanted at the winter event going on now. and stay connected with three years of mbrace service complimentary.
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and welcome back to a special edition of "the ed show." i'm ed brandon in for rachel maddow. á@q(q back tomorrow night. battleground story in this segment. there is not a single american out there who won't be untouch beside think tax compromise the president just announced hours ago. >> i have no doubt that everyone will find something in this compromise that they don't like. in fact there are things in there that i don't like, namely, the extension of the tax cuts for the wealthiest americans and the wealthiest estates.
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but these tax cuts will expire in two years. >> well, the wealthiest people in the country will continue to make out like bandits for at least the next two years. the president i think is punning to the next election, but i wonder if he is willing to have the fight in two years, or are we going to be back to the same old conversation. the republicans of course they're praising the compromise, hell, they won. i want to know if the folks representing the working americans think this is a good deal. for more let's bring in leo gerard, president of the united steel workers. mr. gerard, you heard the president tonight. he said he doesn't like the deal, but it's essential. do you agree? >> no i don't, ed. i think the fight would have been essential. i think the fight would have been perfect. it's about time that we stand up for ordinary americans. it's about time we stand up for jobs. these guys are running their mouths all the time about the deficit. the deficit, the deficit. and they showed their hypocrisy about holding up and holding unemployed to ransom so that the ultra rich could get their tax cut. look, what we need to take care of this deficit and what we need
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to take care of the economy is we need to get people back to work. and what we should have done is take that tax cut and give to it the 250,000 wage earner and below. let it expire for the ultra rich, and take that money and apply it to job creation. what we need this country is jobs. that's what we need, jobs. >> the president apparently has bought into the right wing point that the economy could tank if he didn't do this, that he just had to do this, that he wasn't going to let middle class families go without this tax rate. >> i'm sympathetic to the millions on unemployment insurance. but i don't think he got the deal he should get. he didn't even get a dollar for dollar deal. the ultra rich areç going to me out like bandits for two years and we're going to extend tax cuts for 13 -- excuse me, extend unemployment for 18 months for 13 months and come back and have that fight again. >> what is the conversation going to be like in two years in your opinion? >> i think the conversation is going to be republicans yelling
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and screaming that they need tax cuts for the rich, and we're still going to have too many unemployed, and we're going to fighting a gain for jobs. yes feed knead to take the tax cut for the ultra rich, let it resend, take the money and put into it job creation. people want to get become to work. that's what they want. >> president obama clearly had anguish. he was anguished by this tonight. does this weaken his presidency, and does it it his chances for 2012? >> i think it does both, ed. when i say it does both, i think in some cases it shows to the country that he is empathetic and is willing to make some sacrifice and take some hits to make sure that the unemployed aren't left on the scrap heaps of society. but at the same time, we want him to fight. we're willing to stand side by side, shoulder to shoulder and fight with him for those things. and we need to expose these republicans for the hypocrites that they are. >> mr. gerard, always a pleasure. good to have you speak up tonight. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> joan walsh, editor at large
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in the joan, joan, the winners and the losers. draw the line. >> dick cheney and george w. bush are yukking it up. they're having a party because this president and this democratic congress seems to be enshrining the worst decision that those republicans made. remember that. >> did it with a gimmick. they would expire. remember, they did it with dick cheney's vote. and our progressive -- allegedly progressive president is letting this happen. i'm with mr. gerard. sometimes you fight and even if you lose, it's worth fighting. we live in an oligarchy right now, ed, we really do where we got some money for the unemployed. and i'm happy about the payroll tax cuts. but what we did to get that is deliver more money, bushels of money to the wealthiest americans. it's aç travesty. >> the white house can say what they want about the professional left. my blackberry is blowing up tonight. our e-mail to our ed schultz
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radio show, it's a record number. liberals are mad about this. they wanted this fight. and the president made the case about two million americans were going to be hurt, what about the four million americans that are 99ers that have something on the table. >> nothing. >> how much is this going to politically hurt the democrats? >> you know, i think it does hurt the democrats, because now people really don't know what the democrats stand for, ed. and the other thing this sipts, because we're going to borrow money and give it to the wealthiest americans, this really sets the democrats and the democrats up in a new congress which is a more conservative congress for more spending cuts. we're increasing the deficit again. so we're going to come back and we're going to be facing spending cuts. it means we can't spend any money on job creation, on putting people back to work when we know this is a disastrous -- if we have a recovery at all, it's a jobless recovery. unemployment is going up. this ensures we can't do anything than. so democrats once again do not deliver for their base. they let their hands be tied behind their backs. they stand for very little. and the republicans are having a
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big party tonight. that's what is going on. >> joan walsh, always a pleasure to get your take. great to have you with us. >> thank you. now let's get some rapid-fire response from our panel on these stories tonight. mr. country first, john mccain, got a direct appeal from a 9/11 first responder to support a bill that would help workers sickened at ground zero. mccain's response, i can't help you. and defense secretary robert gates says he is not optimistic that congress will repeal "don't ask, don't tell" this year. with us tonight, joe madison, xm satellite talk show host and ron christy, republican strategist. gentlemen, good to have you with us tonight. ron, you first. the tax cuts. is this a big victory for the conservatives? >> well, thing is a big victory for the american people. z a time when we're" serious economic crisis, we shouldn't be raising taxes on any hard-working american who is
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earning a payroll, paying taxes and trying to contribute to this society. >> well, that's what the republicans got. so it's their victory tonight, right? >> it's an american people victory. i think when john boehner came out and said on election night we are not out gloating. we are not taking victory laps when one out of ten americans right now is unemployed. now is not the time to gloat. now is not the time to declare victory. now is the time to try to make sure that all americans who are looking for a job can have one. and i think that's what we've seen tonight. all americans who are paying taxes will not have their taxes increased. >> joe madison, the democrats and the obama administration just signed on to a tax rate policy that drove this country right into the ditch. can you believe it? >> absolutely, absolutely. and i'm going to tell you. what we really should be doing, we ought to be in the streets. we ought to be jumping on these greedy republicans who have the audacity to try to keep going what they have going for the last ten years. here is what i would tell republicans. okay, baby, it's in your court right now. create the jobs.
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and you've got 13 months to get these people off of unemployment that you held hostage. you've got two years to create jobs in this country instead of spending that money on your luxury items. ron is full of it. this is an attempt to just allow rich people to maintain their 100,000, 300,000, 400,000. create jobs or shut the hell up. and the american people ought to be in the streets screaming, not at president obama so much because i'm going to tell you, you guys sat here and held -- you held the poorest of the poor hostage. you played chicken with poor people's lives. and you ought to be ashamed of yourselves. >> well, have i too much respect for my friend to get into class warfare arguments. the fact of the matter is the last three tax cuts that we have seen in the last 50 years, 1961,
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1981 under reagan and bush -- wait, ed, it's interesting. ed, let me answer. you guys both try to demagogue the issue. i will answer the question. i think the fact of the matter. >> you're going to listen to me. i want to know why. >> the fact of the matter is that -- >> why the republicans used unemployment as a bargaining chip. how do you feel about that? >> well, i think it's important that we provide a safety net for those who are most at risk. i think the president got what he wanted. he got 13 months of an additional extension. >> oh, god, i hate this kind of conversation. >> excuse me, joe, the fact of the matter is -- the fact of the matter is. i didn't cut you off when you were talking. >> one more to get. to. >> it's this filibustering. you can't handle the fact of the matter we have -- we have 66 republicans who are elected in the house. >> good to have you with us tonight. >> it's crap. coming up, new jersey governor chris christy.
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this guy is on power trip. i caught him bullying a hard-working teacher. this guy's arrogance makes my blood boil. i think new jersey residents feel the same way. the new jersey teacher of the year is going to hammer the president, in the playbook. stay with us. for the line ♪ ♪ come precisely on time ♪ that's logistics ♪ ♪ a continuous link, that is always in sync ♪ ♪ that's logistics ♪ ♪ there will be no more stress ♪ ♪ cause you've called ups, that's logistics ♪
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it's not too late to let us know wh@d you think. do you think president obama did the right thing by compromising with the republicans on tax cuts? text a for yes. text b for now no to 622639. we have the results coming up. stay with us.
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and in my playbook tonight, the big bully, well, he is at it again. republican governor in new jersey chris christy went rogue at a town hall meeting by ordering a state trooper to help him humiliate an elementary school teacher. all the teacher wanted was an honest answer about why the governor always bashes the teachers union and slashing public education funds.
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instead, he gets an earful from christie. after getting lectured, the teacher attempted to respond, but he was thrown out by the troopers. i mean you can see this guy. he is reaching. he would just like to say something at the microphone. isn't it a town hall meeting? the crowd is with him. but oh no. he tells him to leave. then he motions to the security to take the guy out. is it a town hall meeting or not, governor? christie is making school kids and teachers pay for the state's budget deficit. he is slashing funding for public education by $820 million. he is building his own political capital by pushing school teachers around. and i think it is shameful. joining me now is maryanne woods murphy, a high school spanish teacher who was voted new jersey's teacher of the year last year. she is strongly against the governor. ms. woods murphy, thank you for joining us tonight. >> my pleasure. >> is this just the way it's going to be in education in new jersey? >> what i'm seeing at is
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governor christie's blocking dialogue at a time when we most need dialogue. that teacher was unable to respond, and we need to create a situation where we can have a give and take to bring our children to the future. i really hope that new jersey can meet this challenge and create a community where we can share our ideas. we have to. >> he wants to scale back pensions, he wants to tighten standards, which i think anybody would be for. >> of course. >> but strip away tenure. how can you do number one and number throw right there without having some kind of political ideology in the game of education? >> i really think it's important that theç teachers unions, the parents, the teachers, the politicians sit down together and have a conversation about all of these issues. how are we going to evaluate teachers? what makes an effective teacher? what do we think about tenure, how can we look at the merits? what can we do to make sure the best teachers are in our classroom today.
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that's what we need to be doing, and we need to be doing it in an open debate and open dialogue. and that's not happening. i'm very disappointed. >> no, it's not. it's very clear he is shutting it down. >> yes. >> here he is getting confrontational with a reporter. >> you know, tom, you must be the thinnest skinned guy in america because you think that's a confrontational tone, then you should really see me when i'm pissed. you know, that's not confrontational. all right? so, you know, you know, i love what people say they don't want to have argument. that's what we were sent here for. >> argument? really? how about town halls. what is the game plan for the teachers dealing with this guy? >> well, i think that what we're doing in our communities is we're talking among ourselves, and we're also making sure that we're spreading the good news about our classrooms and public education to the larger public. it's very important to us to be heard and to make sure that
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people understand that we're doing a wonderful job. new jersey has some of the best schools in the country, and i'm so proud to be a new jersey teacher. we need to be sharing that. >> even after losing $820 million in funding? >> you know, i really believe that we're going to come on the right side of history. i really believe that we're going to fix this. i can't believe otherwise. i'm anheart, and i believe that it will stand up as new jerseyians and as teachers and educators and parents coming together for a better new jersey. >> i don't think this guy is going to move you forward at all. >> no. >> good to have you with us tonight. thank you so much. final page of the playbook. tiger woods blew a four--shot lead yesterday and was elimin e eliminated during a sudden death playoff as the chevron world challenge. it was the first time tiger didn't win after leading by three shots into the final round. tiger tried to take it in stride saying it was a great week, even though he didn't win. the other guy played well, too. ç coming, the drug ster's
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racist hate is poisoning our air waves for years. his latest rant called president obama's presidency graffiti on the walls of american history. reverend al sharpton will not back down. he's calling on the fcc to take action. that's next. [ male announcer ] learn about a free trial offer from abilify. if you're taking an antidepressant and still feel depressed, one option your doctor may consider is adding abilify. abilify treats depression in adults when added to an antidepressant. some people had symptom improvement in as early as one to two weeks after adding abilify.
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reverend al sharpton is taking on rush limbaugh. he's had enough of limbaugh using the public air waves to go
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on and on his blatant racist tirades like this. take a listen. >> this is a civil rights bill. this is repatriations, whatever you want to call it. the objective is unemployment. the objective is more food stamp benefits. the objective is more unemployment benefits. the objective san expanding welfare state. the objective is to takeç the nation's wealth and return it to the nation's, quote, rightful owners. think repatriations. think forced repatriations. obama's entire economic program is repatriations. >> that kind of racially charged hate speech is spilling over into the congress. here's republican congressman out of iowa, steve king, takes a cue with his repatriations attack on the black farmers bill just last week. >> the fraudulent claims might be well, johnny, yeah he was raised on a fan and wouldn't help his dad.
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he went to a city and became a drug addict, and when his daddy needed the help johnny wouldn't help his daddy. now his daddy has died and johnny wants the $50,000 that comes from the usda under this claim. we have to stand up at some point and say, we are not going to pay slavery repatriations in the united states congress. >> wow. reverend sharpton made news on this program last month when he told me that he wants the fcc to step in on limbaugh. he joins me now on more on this and where that fight stands. reverend al sharpton, president of the national action network. i know you were down in washington last week working on this. what's the latest? >> we have a series of meetings going on, and we're going to see the fcc next week. we're not going to stand by and allow publicly regulated radio and television just go for marketing and promoting this kind of racism. here's a man who calls the president names, plays a record calling him the good negro that
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has the formal majority whip sore soon-to-be jim claiborne as drives miss nancy trying to play off "driving miss daisy." rush limbaugh has the right to see whatever he wants to say. he can't do it onpy publicly regulated air waves. the fcc has the responsibility to set standards to say the public cannot be offended based on their race or gender in this country, and you federally regulated air waves that they give licenses to that are very competitive and the fccç is ve selective based on standards. >> how would you monitor racist-type talk on these radio stations that are publicly licensed by the fcc? how would do you this? they come back and say it's freedom of speech. >> very clearly. they should establish what is the guidelines where you go over the top, and clearly i think
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that rush limbaugh's statements would be over the top. you can't say in the name of free speech you can say anything you want, when you are not allowed to do anything you want on radio stations and television stations. we can't have standards everywhere but whether it comes to race. we're not talking about stopping free speech. we're talking about if fcc is very cautious and deliberate in who they give licenses to, who they let stations get waivers to expand their empires. they can clearly say part of that has to be you're not taking part of the public and playing off against one another, and we give you a license to do it. so we're not telling rush don't say what he wants to say. say it at home. don't get on publicly regulated radio and television that are selectively given licenses and do that to offend people because of their race or their gender. >> reverend, how serious are you about this? >> i'm very serious. >> it's the national action
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network. are there any other organizations that may work in conjunction with you on this? >> we're talking to all the civil rights groups next week into washington, and they will announce for themselves. people said to us that we were not serious and we would not be successful and many of us wouldn't have to stop limbaugh to become an owner. we won that. that was the private sector. the public sector has to be as accountable as the nfl and private owners were. >> holland cook writes that limbaugh is too big to fail. do you think so? >> i don't think he was too big to fail. he thought he was too big for the nfl, imus thought they were too big. i think the bigger they are the harder they fall when people say wait a minute, this is something the public discourse in this country. imagine the struggle the black farmers went through and native-american farmers, and remember congress stands there and tries to equate them to drug dealers.